Oracular Readings of the Pythia: How do we find levity in shitty times?


Now is our time of transition, individually and collectively, within the liminal space of ‘becoming'. We, as Pythia, come together to offer wisdom teachings from the earth serpent herself; Python. Our wish is that these woven utterings will assist you on your unfolding journey as we work together to co-create a world born of our deepest most loving visions. Each of us has been trained in the ancient oracular art of Seership and as we bring forth information from deep within the earth, the invitation is to allow the collective weave of our ‘seeing’ to meld with your being in whatever way serves you best, in this moment, in this space, in this time. We recommend you listen with your eyes closed or covered and that - for added potency - you breathe the weave into every cell of your body as we speak it. 

October 2020 Coagulation

How do we find levity in shitty times? 

Levity is light, light is levity

What light filters into your weave from the stars that you are made of?

Starlight, Rainbows light, light rays of a dawn, Sunlight, magic in light,

This pallet is your vision, choose the colours that suit you best, a mirage of lighter shades, it’s your choice, flick the switch

You are the paintbrush

What a landscape this can be

Find the shiniest pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that has no end, paint it, chalk it, draw it, cartwheel on it

It doesn’t have to make sense.

See the details, the tiniest of details: a babies’ hug, sand in your hair, fluff in your navel, the smallest things have levity light within them, a smile can light up a room, sparkling eyes in a big belly laugh

Take the rigidity out, the correctness out, the restrictions out, out of your paint pot; fear is clogging up the bristles

Wash the brush in dew drops, in roaring waterfalls and rivers of the reflections of starry nights

Paint new Paths in your brain, the neurons light up in levity, joy sparks, shock new connections, what is the nervous system when it is smeared in shit, its dull, mundane, morbid, is life supposed to be this heavy?

Shit shit shit we’ve been thinking this all wrong, stop thinking it, stop demanding the rot.

It’s all an illusion, you made it up, now unmake it, turn around, walk out, it’s non sensical, you are dreaming yourself into the shit…it’s hysterical really that you took it all so seriously…

Tear up the paper

Be silly, be the joke; a cosmic clown walking a tightrope between believing all the shit, falling into the trap of your own make believe,  the portal.. it’s a mirror silly, don’t bang into it, it will hurt its hard

Nonsense is soft, its opens you up, it makes that pause in your heart, when you laugh so hard that you can’t breathe, a lighter heart

The pause is the open, the expanded, breathe it out,

What a comedy, what a pantomime, this dream that we are dreaming, a dark comedy of life’s hard knocks; knock, knock, open the crack a bit wider, see into its depths and fall right in… let yourself go, and find that it’s all upside down anyway, it’s a farce..oh this is hysterical. We’ve had it upside down all along, falling in is falling up, the impossible is the possible………… into the stars,

Keep your smiles in the stars your toes in the mud,

Shit is the manure, heavy earth bound mature manure, dig deep; feeding the flowers, the jungles’ pride, the sweet bee’s nectar…shit this is so funny, I’m so upside down, a different angle, turned around, a wrong direction, inverted, on my head, walk the other way it’s a clowns life…I’m a jester, take me back to myself… I’ve never laughed so much

Expelling fear with laughter

The spell of laughter

Another possibility

I’m the spell

I’m magic

I can tickle the world.

Shit this is fun.

Oracular coagulation by six beautiful women from around the world. 

Pythia coagulations are a collaboration between:

  • Emma Smart - Shamanic Healer, Teacher and Practitioner; Specialising in Women's ancient healing and sexual energy praxis Author of "The Sacred Dance". A short tale of Shamanic Pilgrimage. landscape_elms@yahoo.co.uk, 

  • Sarita Cameron – Shamanic Healer, Teacher. Meditation Teacher and conduit for Integration into Galatic Knosis www.solhenge.com, https://www.patreon.com/Sarita_SolHenge 

  • Joy Ellis - Shamanic Practitioner, Homeopath, Oneiric work. www.homeopathy4all.co.uk +44 7989147050 

  • Chelsy Arber is an artist and seer specialising in oracular work, dream illumination, and transformative, talismanic objects; gnosticatemple@gmail.com and IG @ars.limina 

  • Gina DeBernardo - bodywork practitioner, Biodynamic Cranial Touch, Massage, Sacred Anointment, embodiment practices and Shamanic modalities. ginadebernardo@gmail.com 001 (321) 888-0081 

  • Michele Wagner – Shamanic practitioner, Catalyst for the transformation and regeneration of living systems, especially the human soul micheleawagner@gmail.com https://ravenroseshamanism.com/

Gina DeBernardo