
Body As Love

There is an ecstatic, pure life force energy within our bodies known as Eros.  Eros is our love, our sensuality, it is the very substance we are made of.  When Eros is flowing freely in our bodies, we feel free and alive and we are connected to our authentic power. We can live our true purpose in the world. We are free to feel what is true and real inside ourselves.  We know our Bodies as Love. 

We are sparks of love when we are born, connected deeply to our Eros, but many of us have closed down to this love in our bodies often because of outside influences, or trauma experiences.  Or perhaps we have had an accident or an injury that has left us in pain. This disconnection to our bodies, has left many of us with feelings of shame, guilt or fear, resulting in experiences such as depression or anxiety without any idea whatsoever that we are Love.